Data and Results for Wine Regressions as Reported in Chance Magazine
              by Ashenfelter, Ashmore and Lalonde
	                        BASIC MODEL                                  1
 Model: MODEL1  
 Dependent Variable: LPRICE2    Logarithm of Average Vintage Price Relative to 1961   
                             Variable Definitions
       Variable  DF     Label
       INTERCEP   1  Intercept                               
       WRAIN      1  Winter (Oct.-March) Rain  ML                
       DEGREES    1  Average Temperature (Deg Cent.) April-Sept.   
       HRAIN      1  Harvest (August and Sept.) ML               
       TIME_SV    1  Time since Vintage (Years) 
       .             Denotes missing observations                                    
                               Parameter Estimates
                        Parameter      Standard    T for H0:               
       Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|
       INTERCEP   1    -12.145398    1.68808445        -7.195        0.0001
       WRAIN      1      0.001167    0.00048203         2.421        0.0242
       DEGREES    1      0.616397    0.09517460         6.476        0.0001
       HRAIN      1     -0.003860    0.00080753        -4.781        0.0001
       TIME_SV    1      0.023847    0.00716666         3.327        0.0031			 
                               Analysis of Variance
                                  Sum of         Mean
         Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F
         Model            4      8.66447      2.16612       26.390       0.0001
         Error           22      1.80579      0.08208
         C Total         26     10.47026
             Root MSE       0.28650     R-square       0.8275
             Dep Mean      -1.45177     Adj R-sq       0.7962
             C.V.         -19.73450
         OBS    VINT     LPRICE2    WRAIN    DEGREES    HRAIN    TIME_SV
           1    1952    -0.99868     600     17.1167     160        31  
           2    1953    -0.45440     690     16.7333      80        30  
           3    1954      .          430     15.3833     180        29  
           4    1955    -0.80796     502     17.1500     130        28  
           5    1956      .          440     15.6500     140        27  
           6    1957    -1.50926     420     16.1333     110        26  
           7    1958    -1.71655     582     16.4167     187        25  
           8    1959    -0.41800     485     17.4833     187        24  
           9    1960    -1.97491     763     16.4167     290        23  
          10    1961     0.00000     830     17.3333      38        22  
          11    1962    -1.10572     697     16.3000      52        21  
          12    1963    -1.78098     608     15.7167     155        20  
          13    1964    -1.18435     402     17.2667      96        19  
          14    1965    -2.24194     602     15.3667     267        18  
          15    1966    -0.74943     819     16.5333      86        17  
          16    1967    -1.65388     714     16.2333     118        16  
          17    1968    -2.25018     610     16.2000     292        15  
          18    1969    -2.14784     575     16.5500     244        14  
          19    1970    -0.90544     622     16.6667      89        13  
          20    1971    -1.30031     551     16.7667     112        12  
          21    1972    -2.28879     536     14.9833     158        11  
          22    1973    -1.85700     376     17.0667     123        10  
          23    1974    -2.19958     574     16.3000     184         9  
          24    1975    -1.20168     572     16.9500     171         8  
          25    1976    -1.37264     418     17.6500     247         7  
          26    1977    -2.23503     821     15.5833      87         6  
          27    1978    -1.30769     763     15.8167      51         5  
          28    1979    -1.53960     717     16.1667     122         4  
          29    1980    -1.99582     578     16.0000      74         3  
          30    1981      .          535     16.9667     111         2  
          31    1982      .          712     17.4000     162         1  
          32    1983      .          845     17.3833     119         0  
          33    1984      .          591     16.5000     119        -1  
          34    1985      .          744     16.8000      38        -2  
          35    1986      .          563     16.2833     171        -3  
          36    1987      .          452     16.9833     115        -4  
          37    1988      .          808     17.1000      59        -5  
          38    1989      .          443       .          82        -6  

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